An effective, innovative and proven solution to combat stress in the workplace

“I feel less tired or stressed: afterwards, I feel more relaxed, I stretch but do not feel sleepy, I feel revitalized”
“It’s amazing, it transports me somewhere else”

“It’s amazing, it transports me somewhere else”

“I am much more relaxed and ready to get back on the front foot”
“I relax, breathe and find my space. It helps me refocus“

“I relax, breathe and find my space. It helps me refocus“

“I am removed from my environment, I slowly disconnect and lose track of time”
“I feel like I am in a little cocoon“

“I feel like I am in a little cocoon“
Users feel 28% better after only 15 minutes !
Tested on 100+ users across major French corporates such as Veolia, Orange or Banques Populaires

Your well-being space at work
AYATANA stimulates your emotional resources to enhance your wellbeing and mitigate stress
Your wellbeing space at work
AYATANA stimulates your emotional resources to enhance your wellbeing and mitigate stress
Your wellbeing space at work
AYATANA stimulates your emotional resources to enhance your wellbeing and mitigate stress
Your well-being space at work
AYATANA stimulates your emotional resources to enhance your wellbeing and mitigate stress
AYATANA benefits
Enhances wellbeing
Mitigates stress
AYATANA offers employees or managers a mental pause through an immersion in a virtual space of wellbeing where they are invited to perform breathing and visualization exercises.
Through multi-sensory immersion, AYATANA plunges the user into a universe where they feel safe. Their state of consciousness is then altered to allow them to open up towards a feeling of serenity whilst stimulating their sensory awareness.
Enhances wellbeing
AYATANA offers employees or managers a mental pause through an immersion in a virtual space of wellbeing where they are invited to perform breathing and visualization exercises.
Mitigates stress
Through multi-sensory immersion, AYATANA plunges the user into a universe where they feel safe. Their state of consciousness is then altered to allow them to open up towards a feeling of serenity whilst stimulating their sensory awareness.
An innovative approach
The three pillars of immersion
The combined strength of these three pillars lies at the heart of the superior quality of our experiences:
Pillar I
The inherently immersive nature of VR technology.
Pillar II
The scenario of our experiences is inspired by meditation and breathwork protocols
Pillar III
Superior artistic creation and production technique enhance the immersive effect of VR experiences. We have a unique know-how in this field thanks to one of our co-founders – Pitof – a visual effects pioneer who, amongst others, directed the first HD digital movie worldwide, VIDOCQ, starring Gérard Depardieu.
Scientific validation
Tangible results in 15 minutes
Q&A on Mood and Mental Ressources on a scale from 0 to 10
- How do you feel just now?
- I feel refreshed and relaxed.
- I feel enthusiastic and energized to carry out my daily tasks.
- I feel focused and alert.

The above results are based on over 100 users from a panel comprising several large corporations. The purpose of this analysis was to measure the impact of the AYATANA experiences on its users in terms of wellbeing enhancement including anxiety mitigation. The experiences last around 15 minutes each. This study was led by Dr. Réminiac-Braq, Phd.
Our partners

Our clients

Selected user feedback

“Right afterwards, I experienced a deep feeling of weightlessness”
”I felt like I was in a little cocoon”

“It is magnificient, I felt like being transported elsewhere”
“I enjoyed the experience very much; it eased the tension in my neck by rapidly relaxing my muscles”

“I feel like I have been removed from my environment, I slowly disconnect and lose track of time”
“I relax, then breathe and rest. This helps me to refocus”

“The visual component is very important as it allows me to escape from my work environment and focus on the voice”

“Right afterwards, I experienced a deep feeling of weightlessness”

”I felt like I was in a little cocoon”

“It is magnificient, I felt like being transported elsewhere”

“I enjoyed the experience very much; it eased the tension in my neck by rapidly relaxing my muscles”

“I feel like I have been removed from my environment, I slowly disconnect and lose track of time”

“I relax, then breathe and rest. This helps me to refocus”

“The visual component is very important as it allows me to escape from my work environment and focus on the voice”
The AYATANA offer
Experiences that are tailored to meet your needs

Our workshops: They typically last 1 day but are adjustable to meet your specific requirements.

Monthly rental : we also offer a monthly rental option to allow employees to gain 24/7 access to our wellbeing solution 24/7

We provide all the required equipment (VR headsets, audio headsets, sanitary kit)
A few pointers

In order to optimise the impact of AYATANA in terms of wellbeing, we recommend to use a quiet and well lit place where users can sit comfortably.
No prior knowledge or experience of VR is necessary to fully enjoy the benefits of AYATANA.